Joshua D. Drake jd
Tue Sep 19 09:21:00 PDT 2006
Dave Page wrote:
>> Alternatively, are we "wrong" because these things *never* were true?
>> If that's the case, then someone spread outright untruth, which is a
>> different kind of distressing.
> I wouldn't say never - some were true in the distant past (the
> overloaded VM for pgFoundry for example).

Distant? 3 weeks is not distant. PgFoundry has had a number of outages 
this summer alone, 4 in the last couple of months (since July) that I 
know about.

To be fair, my understanding is that PgFoundry recently moved to a new 
server (is that correct Marc?) and that it has been performing nicely 
since then.

> The communication 'problem' is almost certainly a case of Chinese
> Whispers on IRC I suspect. Unless you hear a direct statement from
> someone regularly involved in infrastructure matters such as Marc,
> Magnus, Robert, Devrim or myself you should probably take anything you
> hear with a suitably sized chunk of rock salt.

Well that isn't true there are many who are involved myself included 
that can speak very knowledgeably about various problems in the 


Joshua D. Drake


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