Josh Berkus josh
Mon Sep 18 16:11:19 PDT 2006

> Indications have been from some of the people involved that this may
> not be quite the ideal answer that it was imagined to be, from a
> couple of perspectives:

As a pgFoundry admin, I have to say that I'm really let down by the Slony-I 
team on this one.  If there are issues with pgFoundry (and there are) then 
we'd like your help in resolving them (since most of them relate to 
manpower).   Having Slony-I run off and start its own site with completely 
separate infrastructure doesn't help any of the other users of pgFoundry, 
and just compounds the "does PostgreSQL have replication or not" problem.

If your conclusion is that pgFoundry is borked and we need to replace it 
with something else *in general*, then let's replace it.


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

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