Andrew And andcop2006
Fri Sep 15 19:15:51 PDT 2006
 In the first message I forgot to put another log:
2006-09-14 18:41:44 [12395] ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint

 Below there is the original message:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew And <andcop2006 at>
Date: 15/09/2006 23:11
Subject: Slony stop after 9 hours
To: Slony1-general at

 After some time my SLONY master stop to  replicate table, and SLAVE don?t
receive new datas.

 In syslog file /var/log/postgresql/postgres.log I have:
1- When slony is ok:
2006-09-15 11:06:55 [1967] LOG:  connection received: host=X.Y.Z.W port=1032
2006-09-15 11:06:55 [1967] LOG:  connection authorized: user=postgres

2 - After 9 hours slony stop:
2006-09-15 20:03:54 [4006] LOG:  connection received: host=[local] port=
2006-09-15 20:03:54 [4006] LOG:  connection authorized: user=postgres
 In (2) I use "ps -aux" and the output show me that SLONY is not down.

 I am thinking that SLONY lost information about host and port after 9
hours. In this situationI need to restart Slony in maste, butitis not good.

 What can I do in this situation?   What variables do I need to use? and
where should I put the variables?
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