cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Wed Sep 13 19:15:32 PDT 2006
> On 9/11/2006 5:47 PM, Christopher Browne wrote:
>> I thought I should drop a note to the list explaining why there's no RC4
>> just yet.
>> Jan Wieck has discovered a case where multiple MOVE SET requests lead to
>> loss of data; he had anticipated that a relatively minor modification to
>> the ACCEPT_SET event would address this, but is still finding some "data
>> loss" cases.
> I fixed one part of the problem today and will probably finish all of it
> tomorrow. MOVE SET was entirely broken for subscribers other than the
> old or new origin. On those, the setsync status was not adjusted
> correctly. If the old origin had a higher advanced event sequence
> (likely), this caused the subscribers to ignore all syncs from the new
> origin until its event sequence exceeded that.

This seems like reason for a 1.1.6 release, assuming it can be applied to
1.1.5 without completely unreasonable effort...

I *very* much look forward to seeing that soon...

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