Largo samurai58
Thu Oct 26 02:42:32 PDT 2006

I will be very glad if youo can give me a copy of your GUI program .

And thank you in advance
*original Mail


Hi all,

In spare time over the past 2 or so weeks I've been putting together a 
small Slony GUI app in PHP-GTK.

It's fairly basic at present, just showing which tables are replicated 
and to where, how many nodes are in a cluster, and how far behind in 
replication the cluster is (updated every second).

Does anyone else want a copy?  The code is of reasonable quality, but 
will start to get messy soon if I'm not careful.

If anyone wants to lend a hand in extending this small app btw, it 
wouldn't be hard to add in the ability to add new nodes, subscribe new 
tables, and that kind of thing.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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