Andrew Sullivan ajs
Tue Oct 17 07:56:44 PDT 2006
On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 01:34:03PM +0200, DANTE Alexandra wrote:
> => I still don't understand why I see all these connections on the 
> database "cave"...
> => Could you explain me this point please ?

So nothing else was connected at the beginning?  Are these doing

Note that the slons use connections, too, so you should see more than
one connection.  This is mostly a message-passing service, remember. 
It might be that some of these connections are due to start up, and
they go away.  Do they?

The Forwarding? question coming out of the check make me think that
your listen paths aren't set up correctly, so that you have nodes
that think they are forwarders for nodes that don't exist.  But I
never use that tool, so I can't be sure.  Someone more familiar with
it would perhaps be more helpful.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at
Information security isn't a technological problem.  It's an economics
		--Bruce Schneier

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