Brad Nicholson bnichols
Wed May 31 08:02:24 PDT 2006
Rod Taylor wrote:
>>> If you have more than about 500GB of data on a heavily used OLTP
>>> database, I strongly advise posting a detailed plan of attack or hiring
>>> a consultant. There are lots of gotchas at that level of the game just
>>> due to the impact of the time involved.
>> Some of the frontline consultants are also in this mess...
> I've replicated a moderately sized DB (around the 400GB mark last time
> not including indexes) through a few DB upgrades using Slony with the
> same physical machine as the source and destination.
> It's not difficult but it does require quite a bit of thought on how to
> keep the Slony transactions as short as possible AND keep the number of
> sets required as low as possible.
> My main issue was actually scheduling regular system vacuums on DB hot
> spots to run between Slony transactions to ensure that tables that bloat
> quickly didn't grow more than 100 times their normal size. COPY and
> building the PRIMARY KEY for the large tables was the difficulty.
> This required all kinds of lead in work that included changing primary
> keys to a SERIAL instead of several varchar's and that type of thing.
> Having a parallel index builder within PostgreSQL would pretty much
> eliminate that type of problem.
>>> 4) Stampeding Slony. If for any reason Slony is unable to complete the
>>> replication work available within the timeframe allotted (5 minutes I
>>> think), Slony will abandon the first connection and establish a new one
>>> to retry.
>> Exactly what "replication work" do you mean?  One table? All tables being copied?
>> In my situation I have 6500*5 + 100 tables to copy.  No way is that going to be
>> completed in 5 minutes no matter that the tables are small.  (And no
>> I did not design the schema :)
> The standard sync process that happens in the background on a day to day
> basis. I don't know if it is because pg_listener passes a threshold and
> locks get in the way or if sl_event or sl_log_1 grow too large, but at
> some point it can take Slony significant amounts of time to replicate a
> 'sync' event.
> The queries that scoop data from sl_log_1 start to take a long time and
> can pass the timeout. After that it seems to run away with itself.

I've seen both cases happen.  With long running transactions, you pretty
much need to eliminated the transactions and get a vacuum of pg_listener
through.  Vacuum full of pg_listener is sometimes needed.

If sl_log_1 gets huge, clustering the table might help you but that's
going to block access for you.  If memory servers me, there are usually
a lot of dead index rows when sl_log_1 grows big that don't clear out

Brad Nicholson  416-673-4106
Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.

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