Rod Taylor pg
Tue May 30 11:46:47 PDT 2006
On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 21:09 +0000, Mark Stosberg wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm getting start with Slony 1.1.5, and have done a lot of testing, and
> read a lot of docs, including the "Best Practices" section. Things have
> gone fairly well.

There are a few issues with 1.1.5 you might run into if you replicate
more than about 100GB of data, particularly if it is to multiple nodes.
Earlier version had more issues but they have been solved (thanks!).

If you have more than about 500GB of data on a heavily used OLTP
database, I strongly advise posting a detailed plan of attack or hiring
a consultant. There are lots of gotchas at that level of the game just
due to the impact of the time involved.

1) Long running transactions. pg_dump, vacuum, and Slony itself (initial
copy) all run in long running transactions and can play havoc with your
regularly scheduled vacuum process.
You may find that the IO required as a result of the long running
initial copy process is significant due to the lack of vacuum during
that time. If you can, replicate large tables in different sets and
different times and merge them after the initial copy has completed.

2) pg_listener bloat. This should be solved in 1.2, but in the mean time
beware pg_listener bloat. The most surprising time this can get you is
in a 3 or more node system when creating an additional node. The backlog
on this structure during the initial node creation (long running
transaction) can cripple the system.

3) Large tuples require approximately 4x memory (source db, destination
db, 2 copies in slony) to be copied. If you have a 500MB tuple and the
source and destination machine is the same, it will require a minimum of
2GB memory to accomplish the job. This is a dramatic improvement over
the 1.0 days.

4) Stampeding Slony. If for any reason Slony is unable to complete the
replication work available within the timeframe allotted (5 minutes I
think), Slony will abandon the first connection and establish a new one
to retry.

The problem is the database doesn't necessarily get rid of the old
connection. I've seen Slony with several hundred connections to the
database from a single backend.

With PostgreSQL 8.1, apply a CONNECTION LIMIT to the slony user to
ensure it doesn't eat up all of the DB connections preventing real work
from happening.

I believe that fixing pg_listener issues (Slony 1.2 when released) may
solve this problem as well.

5) Large DBs will require some patches not in Slony 1.1.5 but they are
in CVS, otherwise they will simply never create an up to date node.
Probably not an issues unless you have > 100GB of data to replicate.
Maximum group size is also something to look at here.

Consider shutting down Slon for other subscribers while creating a new
subscriber. (node 1 feeds node 2 -- consider shutting down slon for node
2 while setting up node 3 as a subscriber to node 1).

6) If you have a large tables (> 50GB without indexes) consider removing
indexes other than the primary key before having that node subscribe to
the set. Add the indexes back by hand after it is initialized if they're
necessary for the work you will be doing on that machine.

7) Network communication problems play havoc with Slony and can result
in similar symptoms as #4. If the admins will be doing network
maintenance, I recommend shutting down the impacted nodes slon daemons.

8) Don't even try to use Slony with more than 3 to 4 nodes on an active
dataset without having a dedicated forwarder to feed them. Dedicated
means no user connections. Strictly slony work.

    2 (dedicated forwarder)
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