Gavin Hamill gdh
Mon May 15 08:20:36 PDT 2006
Jan Wieck wrote:

> This is a useless test. If the table contains any corruption of the 
> kind we are suspecting, then the dump will simply contain NULL's in a 
> PK. You won't be able to reload that dump into a table that defines 
> that column NOT NULL, but the dump itself would happily work.

> I have attached a patch that I am about to commit into REL_1_1_STABLE 
> as well as HEAD. It will cause slon_quote_literal() to return a NULL 
> result for a NULL input and the log trigger will bail out with an 
> ERROR if one of the old key columns contains the NULL value. This will 
> cause a transaction that happens to touch such a row to abort, instead 
> of causing a postgres core dump.
OK, so there should be at least something on screen that lets us 
identify the offending data so we can deal with it - I'll give that a 
blast now.


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