Gavin Hamill gdh
Mon May 15 02:15:13 PDT 2006
Gavin Hamill wrote:

>I'll give a REINDEX a blast tonight as Andrew Sullivan's suggested - 
>hopefully that will reveal something strange, since we've been running 
>with Slony for a couple of weeks now fault-free - certainly longer than 
>the segfaults have been happening.

Alas, a REINDEX of the affected table showed no output on the 
commandline or in the logs, and I'm still seeing fairly regular (roughly 
once a day) segfaults with exactly the same output from dmesg:

postmaster[16589]: segfault at 0000000000000000 rip 00002aaaab5e8c00 rsp 
00007fffffffd418 error 4

As Jan Wieck was kind enough to help out picking through the core file 
that postgres dropped previously, (hence I knew what table was in use), 
I'm now back to square one with no idea why this crash is happening :(

The most awkward part is that it causes the slon daemon to close, thus 
replication to all slaves is frozen until I get notified of the segfault 
and restart slon manually. :(


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