Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Sun Mar 26 20:09:57 PST 2006
calendarw <calendarw at> writes:
> But any other old version of slon can be download?? and dose it
> support postgresql 8.1.0?

There is no *formally released* version of Slony-I that supports

In principle, the triggers in version 1.1.5 should be able to be
compiled for Windows, and if you have Unix servers around, you could
run slons on Unix, and have some databases running on Windows.  It is
only version 1.1.5 that supports PostgreSQL 8.1, so nothing earlier
could be satisfactory.

If you so feel the need to use this before formal release, just
realize that you need to be prepared to compile everything that you
need yourself.  You won't have too much luck finding things to
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "")
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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