Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Sun Mar 26 19:36:21 PST 2006
calendarw <calendarw at> writes:
> I installed postgre version 8.1.2, dose it contain slony execute
> file or how to build a windows slon file?

Since a Windows-based version of Slony-I has not yet been formally
released, it would seem extremely surprising for someone to have
included it in a PostgreSQL build.

If the installation was actually called postgre, then it was put
together by someone who can't spell PostgreSQL, and I'd not have too
high confidence in any related result.

At this point, the only way I am aware that someone can be at all
confident to deploy Slony-I is if they are already confident about
compiling PostgreSQL themselves.  


Right now, the only way Windows users should be using Slony-I is if
they are prepared to hack with the Slony-I code, and so don't need a
place to find binaries.
output = reverse("" "@" "enworbbc")
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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