Vivek Khera vivek
Tue Mar 21 18:31:01 PST 2006
On Mar 21, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Ujwal S. Setlur wrote:

> I tried tuning a bunch fof things, but the subscriber
> never did catch up, so I restarted replication from
> scratch. Make me a little nervous...

when you fall way behind (say, a few million rows in sl_log_1) you're  
starting to ask your system to do more work per unit of time than it  
can.  even if you can stop updating the origin db, you may not catch  
up in a timely fashion.  it is best to punt and restart the  
replication as you did.

you need to get some monitoring in place.  how important is your data  
that you need to replicate it but can't montitor if your systems are  

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