Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Mon Mar 20 09:33:30 PST 2006
Miguel wrote:

>Alan Hodgson wrote:
>>On March 20, 2006 08:46 am, Miguel <mmiranda at> wrote:
>>>Hi, im wondering if the subscriber nodes has to start without any data?,
>>>i have a 25Gb database and i want to replicate it with another server,
>>>same hardware specs, can i do i pg_dump/restore and slony will do only
>>>incremental updates from there?
>>Slony will delete the existing data and start over.  You are better off 
>>starting with an empty database.  You do need to copy the schema before 
>>starting, though.
>does slony need exclusive lock for this initial transfer?
It will ultimately need exclusive locks on the subscriber in order to
complete the copy, as it will be modifying the table schemas a bit.

In version 1.2, the plan is for those exclusive locks to be requested up
front, so that there is no opportunity for deadlock.

>also, if i dont start the slon process, the master node  operate  in 
>normal "mode" , i mean, slony-i agnostic?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.

If you don't start a slon for the node that is the origin for a set, then:

- tuples will build up in sl_log_1 as tables that were added to
replication sets are modified, and will never be cleaned out.
- no SYNC events will get issued, thereby preventing event activity from

Maybe you could explain what you think a "normal mode" is, or what
"Slony-I agnostic" means; we might be able to correct some
misunderstandings, there...

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