Keith Bolchen kbolchen
Tue Mar 7 04:56:50 PST 2006
After re-subscribing a node, the sl_status view returns no records.

I have 2 nodes. node1 was primary with node2 as a subscriber.
We wanted to upgrade hardware on node1, so we did a move_set to node2.
We then unsubscribed node1 and did a drop_node for node1. We replaced 
hardware, did a createdb, and created the schema on node1.
We then did a subscribe set from node2 to node1.
The data is all in sync (we've compared counts as well as comparing data 
throughout the databases).
The only problem is that the sl_status does not return any rows.
We use this sl_status for several "home grown" monitoring tools.
We are currently using Slony 1.1.2 and postgresql 7.4.7.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this, or has anyone else experienced this?

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