Tony Byrne slony
Mon Mar 6 01:20:18 PST 2006
Hi folks,

We've been running a two node Slony cluster successfully for a number
of months and are very impressed with it.  We now wish to upgrade our nodes'
version of PostgreSQL from v8.0.3 to v8.1.3.  Our understanding is that we
first need to upgrade our Slony on both nodes to v1.1.5.

While I have looked at both the UPGRADING file from the Slony
distribution and the html document for using Slony to facilitate a
PostgreSQL update I'm not at all comfortable that I understand the
full and proper sequence of steps to do this safely.  Other than the
unicode issue are there any gotchas that I should look out for in this

If I understand what I've read correctly, I first need to stop slon on
both nodes, update to the latest version, restart slon and then run the
slonik script to update the functions.  Our application is a web
application which would remain connected to the db during the Slony
update.  Would I need to restart the application post Slony upgrade
and is there any danger that upgrading Slony as described above could
interfere with the normal running of our application, e.g. is the
Slony schema changes in the db, or triggers are modified?

When upgrading PostgreSQL itself, should I first remove the slave from
the cluster (drop node) or can I simply stop slon on both nodes,
upgrade the slave (with the help of pg_dump), re-enable slon on both nodes
and do a switchover and repeat?

Many thanks for your help.



Tony Byrne

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