Dave dave
Wed Jun 28 13:24:48 PDT 2006

I've been playing with Slony 1.1.5 and PostgreSQL 7.4 for the last few
days.  Everything is coming together for use in my production
environment except a recovery from failover.

My test environment consists of one master and one slave.  In my test, I
am simulating a complete failure of the master by running:

failover (id = 1, backup node = 2);
and later
drop node (id = 1, event node = 2);

After trying some things on my own to recover the master, I found this
post, but even that isn't working for me.


Does this work for other people?  What state should the database be in
when this script is run - a mirror of node2 or an uninitialized version
of the database from backup?

Is there a working tutorial/script for recovering from failover?



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