Norman Yamada nyamada
Wed Jun 28 10:01:15 PDT 2006
We're running into a strange problem with slony. We have a fairly  
simple slony set up, one master node, two slave nodes, all running  
slony 1.1.5 against postgresql 8.1.4 on debian testing boxes.

We tried to push a DDL change using the EXECUTE SCRIPT command on the  
master node to alter one of the slonied tables (adding a column with  
a foreign key constraint). The slony event failed with the following  
output  on one of the slave nodes:

2006-06-27 16:28:56 EDT DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: Received event  
1,359373 DDL_SCRIPT
2006-06-27 16:28:56 EDT DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_3: forward confirm  
1,359372 received by 3
2006-06-27 16:28:56 EDT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "begin  
transaction; set transaction isolation level serializable;
lock table "_tmc_replication".sl_config_lock;
select "_tmc_replication".ddlScript_int(1, 'alter table exchange_info  
add column locale varchar(25) REFERENCES public.locale(city);', -1);
notify "_tmc_replication_Event"; notify "_tmc_replication_Confirm";
insert into "_tmc_replication".sl_event
(ev_origin, ev_seqno, ev_timestamp,      ev_minxid, ev_maxxid,  
ev_xip, ev_type , ev_data1, ev_data2, ev_data3    )
values ('1', '359373', '2006-06-27 16:28:54.370245', '87886162',  
'87886163', '', 'DDL_SCRIPT', '1',
'alter table exchange_info add column locale varchar(25) REFERENCES  
public.locale(city);', '-1');
insert into "_tmc_replication".sl_confirm  (con_origin, con_received,  
con_seqno, con_timestamp)
values (1, 2, '359373', now()); commit transaction;"
PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint  
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update "pg_catalog".pg_trigger set tgrelid  
=  $1  where tgrelid =  $2 "
PL/pgSQL function "altertablerestore" line 68 at SQL statement
SQL statement "SELECT  "_tmc_replication".alterTableRestore( $1 )"
PL/pgSQL function "ddlscript_int" line 47 at perform

As far as I can see, the other node didn't complain. But slony was  
stuck until i (shudder) deleted this ev_seqno from sl_event and  
backed out the change from the master node.

The slony replication is working fine for data at the moment. But  
what should/can I do to fix this problem. Any ideas? I would hate to  
re-create the slave nodes from scratch, as it takes about 28 hours to  
sync the tables and re-create our setup.

(The script runs cleanly, with no errors, for  
whatever that's worth.)

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