Gavin Hamill gdh
Fri Jul 21 13:28:22 PDT 2006
On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 09:08:08 -0400
Jan Wieck <JanWieck at> wrote:

> The problem is that the column is (most definitely) used in the index 
> that you have specified for identifying the rows.

This is exactly what I don't understand. I just did a schema dump:

joltpg1:~# pg_dump -s -U nik laterooms >schema
joltpg1:~# grep DisplayNumberRooms schema
    "DisplayNumberRooms" boolean DEFAULT false,

Nowhere in any index is this column name referenced, yet Slony/PG is using it as a key column? How in the name of all that is sensible can a boolean column be a key?

The User table has 300k rows, and most of the DisplayNumberRooms values are NULL (the customer has not yet selected true or false..) - would this issue likely be solved by ensuring all rows were non-null?


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