Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Jul 18 11:21:57 PDT 2006
Christopher Browne wrote:
> It sounds like "standards_conforming_strings" is something we need to
> talk about further.  Seems like something where our timing is very right
> to fix it now, and thus avoid forcing 8.2 users to do any "instant
> upgrades."  (In some ways, that's a lot to hope for, since 8.2 doesn't
> really exist, and probably won't be released 'til ~November, but we
> might as well avoid any anvils that we see hanging over our heads :-).)
> _______________________________________________
After some discussion offline, it looks like we have an easy way to
address this; on 8.2, we detect the availability of this, and set all
connections to use "standards_conforming_strings = off"

The change is that in 8.2, you can specify that the server prefers an
SQL standard scheme for representing backquotes (\) and such.

Slony-I at present *needs* to NOT be "standards-conforming" because
versions 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 do not accept that kind of configuration.

In effect, Slony-I will need to be "non-standards-conforming" on this
aspect of string handling until such time as we drop support for all
versions < 8.2...

The open question, at this time, is whether or not to directly support
8.2 with "scs=on"...  It looks as though it should be pretty easy, but
it's debatable whether we want to force this to 1.2.0...

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