hubert depesz lubaczewski depesz
Wed Dec 13 09:06:34 PST 2006
side note - as perhaps it is not obvious.
i am in no way implying that i want to change slony
nor i say that slony is bad because of ...

all i'm saying is that i would like to know:
1. why it works.
2. what should happen for this to stop working

by "this" i mean - adding columns (without defaults and not nulls) on slave
and then on master.

i also dont mean any harm or insult to anybody here - if you find the topic
offensive, please just skip it. i'm asking out of pure curiosite - why it
works, and what (how) might break.

basically - i truly belive the guys who coded slony are very smart, and that
their software behaves in a deterministic way. which means - either: what i
do is right, or i just haven't stumbled on particular sequence of actions
which would break the thing. if so - i would like to know the sequence -
just to be on the (more) safe side when doing things that are not really

best regards,

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