Mark Stosberg mark
Thu Dec 7 15:06:29 PST 2006
I had an 1.1.5 install of slony to play with that I wanted to destroy
and replace with 1.2.1. (This was just a testing environment.).

However, I was getting this error returned:

"Table with id 36 not found"

It would be a lot more user friendly if this message came with some hint
want to do next, and preferably also printed the table name.

Here is the workaround that I was able to use:

1. I connected to the database involved, and reviewed the tables known
to slon:
select tab_id, tab_relname from _saveapet.sl_table;

Table "36" had been dropped while slon wasn't running.

2. I deleted the related row:
delete from _saveapet.sl_table where tab_id = 36;

Now I could finish uninstalling the node.

It would also seem that slonik could have just saved the the trouble
here and skipped the troublesome row, since the whole table was able to
get destroyed anyway...


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