Alan Hodgson ahodgson
Thu Apr 20 14:02:37 PDT 2006
On April 20, 2006 01:52 pm, Pallav Kalva <pkalva at> wrote:
>     At this point Slave database is One week behind , I want Slony to
> replicate the changes from past week and bring 8.1.3 upto date with the
> current 8.0.3 data.

It doesn't do that.

>   From the log it tells me that it is either truncating/deleting each
> and every table and inserting data back into the tables using the COPY
> data from the Master node.
>   Is this the expected behavior ? I was under the impression that it
> would just insert the Delta (one week data from) records for each table,
> instead of deleting and reinserting the whole data ?

It has to rebuild from empty tables.   It has no way of knowing where and 
when you did the backup and what changes have happened since.

You are far better off installing an empty schema on the slave server so it 
at least doesn't have to do all the deletes.

>   If this is the case I dont know how many days/weeks/months it would
> take to catch up.

About as long as doing a restore.  You might want to subscribe one large 
table at a time, so that too many updates don't pile up while it's 
subscribing; that can be more of a problem than the actual subscription.


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