Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Thu Apr 6 13:17:44 PDT 2006
Miguel <mmiranda at> writes:
> Hi, i want to send additional runtime options to slon_start, like
> log_level 4
> log_timestamp 1
> vac_frequency 0
> etc
> how do you do that?

This sort of thing tends to be a "Simple Matter Of Programming."  Most
of the revisions would be to

I'm somewhat inclined to create some new scripts to cope with the
various changes between how slon behaves in 1.0 and the way it'll be
in 1.2.

What I'd like to do is to have a script that generates a set of slon
config files, one for each node, allowing the Gentle User to readily
change the config in that one place, and then have scripts that start
up the slons based on those config files.

That approach would be particularly valuable when doing log shipping,
as it diminishes the risk of accidentally "corrupting" things by
running slon and forgetting the "-a" option, thereby losing some logs
and corrupting log shipping...
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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