Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Wed Apr 5 09:26:43 PDT 2006
Miguel <mmiranda at> writes:
> hi, is there a problem  that the database being replicated (master and 
> slave) are  on tablespace diferent from postgres' default?
> i want to start using tablespaces with a new database and wonder if that 
> would cause a problem to slony

I'd be inclined to test it before deploying it, but this shouldn't
have any effect on Slony-I behaviour.

Tablespaces are all about where the data is physically stored...

- on an origin, that won't affect the logtrigger functions, which
  determine how Slony-I captures data;

- on a subscriber, Slony-I uses COPY (at subscribe time), and
  INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE (ongoing activity), none of which care about

I'd be *very* surprised if use of tablespaces caused any problems.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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