Glen Eustace geustace
Tue Apr 4 11:49:49 PDT 2006
Table 9 still exists in _gz_admin.sl_table;

      9 |    9527801 | domain_registry_history | public      |       3 |
domain_registry_history_pkey | t           | Domain Registry

and still exists for real in the database.

It has the following rules and indices;
    "domain_registry_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("domain", tstamp)
    "domain_registry_history_idx1" btree (client, "domain", tstamp)
    _gz_admin_logtrigger_9 AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON
domain_registry_history FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE
_gz_admin.logtrigger('_gz_admin', '9', 'vkkvvvvvvvvvvvvv')

It also has a view which includes update rules.

Where to next ?

Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 5301
Ph/Fax: +64 6 357 8168, Mob: +64 27 5 424 015, Web:

"A Ministry specialising in providing low-cost professional Internet
Services to NZ Christian Churches, Ministries and Organisations"

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