Chris Mount chris
Mon Apr 3 09:51:08 PDT 2006
2 node cluster, PG 8.1.3 /slony 1.1.5
Node2 writes logshipping files

After a power failure over the weekend. Postgres comes up fine, but when 
starting slony node2 it quickly dies with the following in the error log. 
node1 starts fine. I am kind of a newbie, and would really appreciate some 
help in how to fix this. I did restart again with log 4 to see if any more 



2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: send DONE/ERROR line to 
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG3 remoteHelperThread_1_1: waiting for workgroup 
to finish
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG3 remoteWorkerThread_1: helper 1 finished
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG4 remoteWorkerThread_1: returning lines to pool
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG3 remoteWorkerThread_1: all helpers done.
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG4 remoteWorkerThread_1: changing helper 1 to IDLE
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG4 remoteWorkerThread_1: cleanup
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: waiting for work
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "select 
" PGRES_FATAL_ERROR PANIC:  right sibling's left-link doesn't match
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into "_cpc_replic".sl_seqlog (seql_seqid, 
seql_origin, seql_ev_seqno, seql_last_value)
 values ( $1 ,  $2 ,  $3 ,  $4 )"
PL/pgSQL function "sequencesetvalue" line 28 at SQL statement
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "rollback transaction" 
PGRES_FATAL_ERROR 2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT
DEBUG1 slon: shutdown requested
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG2 slon: notify worker process to shutdown
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG2 slon: wait for worker process to shutdown
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG1 cleanupThread: thread done
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT ERROR  remoteListenThread_1: "select ev_origin, 
ev_seqno, ev_timestamp,        ev_minxid, ev_m
axxid, ev_xip,        ev_type,        ev_data1, ev_data2,        ev_data3, 
ev_data4,        ev_data5, ev_data6,
 ev_data7, ev_data8 from "_cpc_replic".sl_event e where (e.ev_origin = '1' and 
e.ev_seqno > '106208') order by e.ev_or
igin, e.ev_seqno" - server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG1 remoteListenThread_1: thread done
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG1 syncThread: thread done
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG1 localListenThread: thread done
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG1 main: scheduler mainloop returned
2006-04-03 10:09:09 CDT DEBUG2 main: wait for remote threads

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