Melvin Davidson mdavidson
Fri Oct 7 17:17:36 PDT 2005
Although I am new to this group, I feel that the reference to CLUSTERNAME
in the slony docs is ambiguous and confusing.

In Postgresql itself, CLUSTER is ambiguous. A postgresql cluster refers 
to a
physical area on the disk where the database files will be stored. 
However, the
SQL command to "CLUSTER indexname ON tablename" means "REORDER"
the table based on it's index.

In slony, CLUSTERDBNAME refers to the replication "schema name" that will
be created when the "INIT CLUSTER" command is executed.

I therefore respectfully suggest that the documentation ( and possibly 
command INIT CLUSTER) be changed as follows.

INIT CLUSTER should be changed to INIT REPSCHEMA.

It should also be clarified that REPSCHEMA is created by
INIT REPSCHEMA and should not exist before that.

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