cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Wed Oct 5 13:25:28 PDT 2005
> I have just upgraded to slony1-1.1.1 on both master and slave.
> I am trying to execute the UPDATE FUNCTIONS which is required,
> however, when I attempt to do so on either master or slave, I get the
> following error:
> <stdin>:17: loading of file /usr/local/pgsql/share//slony1_funcs.v73.sql:
> PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, queries
> ignored until end of transaction block
> ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of
> transaction block
> postgres has been recycled and slon is not running.

The problem is that when it is trying to load the revised functions from
the above file, something is breaking.

1)  Verify that the file named actually exists; if it doesn't, then
there's some mispointing to the wrong slonik, more than likely...

2)  Take a look at PG logs to see what function revision is failing.  I
did do test runs against 7.3.9, but not specifically of UPDATE FUNCTIONS. 
It's plausible that maybe some function has changed signatures, and
there's some complaint about that.

Dropping (out of band) an existing stored function might do the trick...

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