Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue May 31 18:40:20 PDT 2005
elein wrote:

>Be careful.  slon_start and slon_kill have slon_
>prefixes.  Perhaps the state script should have slon_
>instead of slony?
That was done with at least some thought :-).

- The "things that generate slonik scripts" have the slonik_ prefix
- The "things that manipulate slon daemons" have the slon_ prefix
- The one script that looks at some 'overall' stuff has the slony_ prefix

No accidents there!  The three "namespace partitions" are distinct in

>Thank you!  I do believe they will be more helpful
>when people can easily identify what they can do
>by looking at the script names. 
I'm just a bit grumpy that these sorts of things are only being pointed
out at the very END of the process, when we're trying to get a release
candidate out, which is the time when things are to be "cast in stone."

If this name change had been requested a couple months ago, I would have
had no issues with it at all.

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