Matthew Rich mrich
Tue May 10 04:53:34 PDT 2005
	I keep seeing this strange behavior on a slave when running scripts
through "execute script" that include a delete statement (on a table
that has PK/FK constraints).

PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  could not find trigger 57715371

this appears to be an error generated in the postgres backend
DeferredTriggerExecute().  I could speculate that an attempt is being
made at executing the trigger after slony has already disabled it again.

I suspect that it is actually not advisable to do DML through the
execute script command, though the documentation doesn't say anything
about it.  The script that generates this error runs normally on the
master though I have seen this same error generated from a different
script on the master.

Has anyone had this problem?  I couldn't find any information on
anything even close, though perhaps most users don't try to run DML.
My problem is that I need to run the script as a single transaction and
it includes alterations to the schema and the data, so I can't separate
the changes.  Any help is appreciated. :)



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