sarlav kumar sarlavk
Tue Mar 1 15:11:06 PST 2005

I have a table "id_code_translation" with the
following schema:
id - integer, not null default nextval

identity_id - integer
response_code - character varying(4)   
description - character varying(100)  
match - boolean 

"$1" FOREIGN KEY (identity_id) REFERENCES

I added this table to a replication set with id as
candidate key. When I initialised the cluster, I got
the following error message:

<stdin>:43: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select
'id');  - ERROR:  Slony-I: table
public.id_code_translation has no unique index id

As "id" is serial, is it not by default unique? Do I
need to add unique constraints on serial fields so
that they can be used as candidate keys?

Thanks for your help in advance,


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