Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Fri Jun 10 20:45:12 PDT 2005
After much testing and fending off bugs, we now have a release
candidate available.  It has been tested out on quite a number of
platforms, and numerous bugs have been "stomped out."

There are a great deal of changes since version 1.0.5, including:

 o Greatly extended documentation
 o Logging includes date stamps
 o Slonik now supports define/include (similar to CPP)
 o Automatic generation of "Listen Paths" (formerly an error-prone manual process)
 o slon daemons are greatly more configurable and can use config files
 o Log shipping allows creating offline replicas
 o Numerous improvements to automated maintenance
 o Build environment no longer requires a full PostgreSQL source tree
   This enormously eases the use of Slony-I on systems using prepackaged binaries.
 o Numerous bug fixes

You can find a copy of the "Admin Guide" documentation online here:

The tarball is available here:

The general idea at this point is to encourage people to run this in
as many places as possible so as to find any lingering problems.

Testing has already taken place on numerous platforms, including:
 - Debian/Linux/IA-32
 - Red Hat Fedora Core 2
 - Red Hat RHAS 3
 - Solaris/SPARC
 - FreeBSD/IA-32

There are enough variations between those platforms in terms of word
sizes, endianness, and flavours of Unix to build some confidence; we
hope for a 1.1 full release soon.
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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