Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Jul 26 19:16:35 PDT 2005
Vivek Khera wrote:

> On Jul 25, 2005, at 6:22 PM, Ian Burrell wrote:
>> Does anyone have an init script they use to start slon daemons on 
>> startup?
> I tried that once, but then discovered that if your Pg instance is in 
> recovery mode (ie, after a crash or other unclean shutdown) your slon 
> won't start up right.  What I do is run under daemontools, which will 
> keep trying to run slon until it succeeds or is told to stop.
> I have a script I distribute with the FreeBSD port to create the 
> daemontools environment... I s'pose I should contrib that now that 
> I've been reminded...
We use a script that runs as a cron job that periodically shuts off and
restarts the watchdogs.

That doesn't disturb a slon that is running, but will certainly restart
things when the system restarts...

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