Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Jul 5 16:04:24 PDT 2005
Ajay Dalvi wrote:

>Hello all,
>I am using slony 1.1.0 for replicating PostGreSql 7.3.4 database.
>As slon process is continuously running. And after subscribing a
>partcular slave to a set, it starts replicating the data from master to
>     My problem is that I want to stop replication process after it has
>replicated data from master to slave at a particular instance.
>The actual scenario is that I want to run replication at a particular
>time, and after replication of whole data from master is done, I want to
>unsubscribe the slave from the set, and also to stop slone process.
>So how I will come to know that replication of the data from master is
>done at a particular instance? How to caputre that event?
>If anyone has any kind of idea or soluiton for how to do this, please
>reply me as soon as possible.
This would amount to the "neat new feature" of having the "-q" option,
where you could specify an event number after which the slon would
terminate itself.

Immediately after that, you'd submit the request to unsubscribe that
node, or perhaps go further, and drop the node as well as uninstalling
Slony-I from that node, perhaps with a brief restart of the slon in the

Absent of that, you can watch the logs, and see when the COPY_SET event
completes, and that nodes starts processing SYNC events. 

It's worth noting that the new node won't be truly up to date until a
while after the COPY_SET completes; at that point, it'll only be up to
date with where the provider was at the time COPY_SET started.  If you
have some specific metric of how up to date the subscriber is, then
you'll have to evaluate that yourself, perhaps by polling some table
containing lists of transactional data...

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