Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Mon Jul 4 15:49:42 PDT 2005
Joachim Wieland wrote:

>On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 09:17:42AM -0400, cbbrowne at wrote:
>>>DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: SYNC 1087 processing
>>>DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: syncing set 1 with 0 table(s) from provider 1
>>You'll presumably have to unsubscribe set 1 and create a new set that
>>actually *does* have tables in it.
>Ok, but a warning would be nice anyway.
I was about to add this only to discover that there already is a
warning, which was added in April, and thus is reported in 1.1.
    -- ---
    -- Check to see if the set contains any tables - gripe if not - bug
    -- ---
    if not exists (select true
        from @NAMESPACE at .sl_table
        where tab_set = p_sub_set) then
        raise notice ''subscribeSet:: set % has no tables - risk of
problems - see bug 1226'', p_sub_set;
        raise notice
    end if;

I just tested a little example:

cbbrowne at dba2:/tmp> cat
Monday 10:47:51
cluster name = T1;
node 11 admin conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test1';
node 22 admin conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test2';

create set (id = 255, origin = 11, comment='blank empty set');
subscribe set (id=255, provider = 11, receiver = 22, forward = false);

cbbrowne at dba2:/tmp> slonik
Monday 10:45:02
create_empty_set.slonik:6: NOTICE:  subscribeSet:: set 255 has no tables
- risk of problems - see bug 1226
create_empty_set.slonik:6: NOTICE:
cbbrowne at dba2:/tmp>

The warning is there...  It is (hopefully) somewhere in your PostgreSQL

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