Marc G. Fournier scrappy
Fri Feb 18 16:42:24 PST 2005
I'm obviously overlooking something here, but have no clue what it might 
be ...

Two seperate servers ... runs through to telling me 
to startup slon on the subscriber and then hit return ... all is well, so 
I think ...

Start up slon on the subscriber, and it tells me:

CONFIG main: slon version 1.0.5 starting up
CONFIG main: local node id = 2
CONFIG main: loading current cluster configuration
CONFIG storeNode: no_id=1 no_comment='Node 1'
CONFIG storePath: pa_server=1 pa_client=2 pa_conninfo="dbname=OV host=localhost port=5432 user=slony password=pass" pa_connretry=10
CONFIG storeListen: li_origin=1 li_receiver=2 li_provider=1
CONFIG main: configuration complete - starting threads
CONFIG enableNode: no_id=1
ERROR  remoteListenThread_1: db_getLocalNodeId() returned 2 - wrong database?

Not sure what to be checking though ... _T1.* schema appears fine:

# \dt "_T1".*
             List of relations
  Schema |      Name      | Type  | Owner
  _T1    | sl_config_lock | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_confirm     | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_event       | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_listen      | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_log_1       | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_log_2       | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_node        | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_path        | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_seqlog      | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_sequence    | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_set         | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_setsync     | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_subscribe   | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_table       | table | slony
  _T1    | sl_trigger     | table | slony
(15 rows)
# select * from "_T1".sl_node;
  no_id | no_active | no_comment
      2 | t         | Node 2
      1 | t         | Node 1
(2 rows)

Hrmmm ... on 'master':

# select * from "_T1".sl_path;
  pa_server | pa_client |                                 pa_conninfo                                 | pa_connretry 
          2 |         1 | dbname=OneVision host= port=5432 user=slony password=pass |           10
          1 |         2 | dbname=OneVision host=localhost port=5432 user=slony password=pass     |           10
(2 rows)

yet on 'subscriber':

# select * from "_T1".sl_path;
  pa_server | pa_client |                               pa_conninfo                               | pa_connretry 
          1 |         2 | dbname=OneVision host=localhost port=5432 user=slony password=pass |           10
(1 row)

Shouldn't both rows exist on the subscriber too?

There are zero errors in slony_setup.log to indicate a problem ...

I'm going to try adding that extra row, to see if that fixes it ... nope, 
same error ...


Note that this is apostgresql 7.4.2 install, if that makes any difference 

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: scrappy at           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

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