Hannu Krosing hannu
Thu Feb 3 14:34:32 PST 2005
It seems that if primary key is on fields of type (date, text)
then slony cant find it:

postgres at db1:~/replicator/accdb2$ ./01_add_table_to_new_set2.sh
<stdin>:50: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select
NULL);  - ERROR:  Slony-I: table public.public.euro_rates has no primary

postgres at db1:~/replicator/accdb2$ psql accountdb
Welcome to psql 7.4.5, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

accountdb=# \d euro_rates
        Table "public.euro_rates"
   Column    |      Type      | Modifiers
 id_date     | date           | not null
 id_currency | text           | not null
 rate        | numeric(20,10) |
    "euro_rates_pkey" primary key, btree (id_date, id_currency)

Is it a known problem or is something wrong with my setup ?

slony version is plain 1.0.5


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