Dave Cramer davec
Thu Dec 22 13:07:24 PST 2005
I am getting the following error

<stdin>:17: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_efr_cluster".subscribeSet(1,  
1, 2, 't');  - ERROR:  Slony-I: subscribeSet() must be called on  

this is on a machine where the subscriber and the provider are on the  
same physical machines

efr=# select * from _efr_cluster.sl_subscribe ;
sub_set | sub_provider | sub_receiver | sub_forward | sub_active
        1 |            1 |            2 | f           | t

This is rather confusing, the comment is one thing but the error is  

  	-- ----
         -- Check that this is called on the receiver node
         -- ----
         if p_sub_provider != "_efr_cluster".getLocalNodeId 
('_efr_cluster') then
                 raise exception 'Slony-I: subscribeSet() must be  
called on provider';
         end if;


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