Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Fri Dec 9 22:42:20 PST 2005
We have been holding off on the "next release," pending the release of
PostgreSQL 8.1.1.  It has been tagged, so should be becoming
available, along with (tagged today) 8.0.5, 7.4.10, and 7.3.12.

I am tagging a release candidate this afternoon to prepare for testing
as well as any packaging issues (notable participants that I can think
of would be Devrim Gunduz, for RPMs, and Peter Eisentraut, for .debs).

cbbrowne at dba2:~/Slony-I/slony1-1_1_STABLE> cvs tag REL_1_1_5_RC1
[much output omitted...]

We'll ultimately be running through the whole checklist:


Some of that will wait for next week as we finalize the tarball.  I
have some work to do on the HISTORY-1.1.5 file, for instance :-).

But we'd be quite keen on seeing some positive test reports, most
pointedly on 8.1, but it would also be nice to see them on the newly
tagged releases.  The more platforms, the merrier!

I need to get the full, voluminous release notes completed, but there
are a few pointedly tasty improvements in store:

1.  Compatibility with 8.1.  There was a sort of "interlock" that
abused pg_listener in order to make sure that each node was being
managed by one and only one slon process.  Functionality of
Async_Unlisten() changed in 8.1, so we had to change strategy to use a
new custom table to manage this.

2.  Greatly Improved SUBSCRIBE SET performance.  Indices are
temporarily detached during the COPY statements, and then reattached
and reindexed, which, in principle, should mean that subscribing a set
should be a bit faster than restoring from pg_dump (with Slony-I all
the indices are regenerated together, so there should be benefits from
the data already being in cache).

3.  The New Generation test scripts have been added in, which should
make it easier to run tests in an automated, predictable fashion.

4.  Man pages for slon, slonik, as well as all the slonik commands can
now be generated.

5.  There is official Debian packaging under way, in the
"experimental" area.

6.  A fairly large number of minor bugs that have been reported have
been fixed.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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