Jan Wieck JanWieck
Fri Dec 9 15:10:40 PST 2005
On 12/8/2005 6:12 PM, Andreas Pflug wrote:
>>>That's one point. The other is what is wrong with setting the env var
> Sounds as if this affects all connection a slon process creates? We're 
> talking about *different* encodings.
> If slon connects to a remote DB with a
>>>specific client_encoding, the data it receives on FETCH is supposed to
>>>be in exactly that enoding. That means it must connect to another
>>>database (like it's local node DB) with exactly the same encoding,
>>>because that is what the data it is sending is in.
> Not necessarily. Quite often, LATIN1 or so is (mistakenly) stored in 
> SQL_ASCII databases.

Aha, so this entire thread is about giving slon the ability to mimick 
the brokenness of the users application and to cope with inconsistent 
database installatoins on different servers.

Well, as long as it is something that must be explicitly turned on and 
is for sure off by default, go ahead and create a patch.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck at Yahoo.com #

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