Marc Munro marc
Tue Aug 16 00:39:57 PDT 2005
I'm having trouble with a subscriber failing to catch up with a
provider.  I have just performed a sync which succeeded with no problem.
Initially after the sync, about 4 minutes worth a provider updates were
being processed per minute at the subscriber.

Now it is down to less than a tenth of the speed of the provider.  The
subscriber machine itself is running mostly idle.

What can I look for in order to track down this problem?  

If I look at pg_locks I see the following:

DbSchema=# select d.datname || '.' || c.relname as object,
DbSchema-#        l.transaction as trans,, l.mode 
DbSchema-# from   pg_locks l
DbSchema-# left outer join pg_database d
DbSchema-#          on d.oid = l.database
DbSchema-# left outer join  pg_class c
DbSchema-#          on c.oid = l.relation
DbSchema-# order by 1;
        object         |  trans  |  pid  |      mode       
 DbSchema.pg_class     |         | 29510 | AccessShareLock
 DbSchema.pg_class     |         | 29444 | AccessShareLock
 DbSchema.pg_locks     |         | 29510 | AccessShareLock
 DbSchema.pg_namespace |         | 29444 | AccessShareLock
 DbSchema.sl_setsync   |         | 29444 | AccessShareLock
 DbSchema.sl_table     |         | 29444 | AccessShareLock
                       | 1421292 | 29510 | ExclusiveLock
                       |         | 29510 | AccessShareLock
                       | 1421225 | 29444 | ExclusiveLock
(9 rows)


I never see any of my own tables being locked.  There is also nothing
interesting in the slon logfiles.

Marc Munro
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