Jamie L. Penman-Smithson lists
Tue Apr 26 16:09:21 PDT 2005
Hi all,

I've been following the instructions in slony-I-basic-mstr-slv.txt. I've
made progress, I know have slon daemons running on both the master and
the slave and they appear to be doing /something/, although quite what -
I don't know.

I made sure I ran the "subscribe set":

slonik <<_EOF_
    cluster name = mail;

    node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=mail host=lorien user=slony
    node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=mail host=bahamut user=slony

    subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = no);

Now, it should be replicating, however it's not.. Even though there are
differences in the master db, it's not being replicated to the slave.

I've poked around the _mail schema and it looks like it is subscribed:

mail=# select * from _mail.sl_subscribe;
 sub_set | sub_provider | sub_receiver | sub_forward | sub_active
       1 |            1 |            2 | f           | t

mail=# select * from _mail.sl_path;
 pa_server | pa_client |                     pa_conninfo
| pa_connretry
         1 |         2 | dbname=mail host=lorien user=slony
password=foobar  |           10
         2 |         1 | dbname=mail host=bahamut user=slony
password=foobar |           10
(2 rows)

slon has been happily churning out info:

2005-04-26 16:06:26 BST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,34208
2005-04-26 16:06:34 BST DEBUG2 localListenThread: Received event 2,16447
2005-04-26 16:06:36 BST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,34209
2005-04-26 16:06:41 BST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: Received event
1,12323 SYNC
2005-04-26 16:06:41 BST DEBUG3 calc sync size - last time: 1 last
length: 105600 ideal: 0 proposed size: 1
2005-04-26 16:06:41 BST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: SYNC 12323
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: syncing set 1 with
4 table(s) from provider 1
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG3 remoteWorkerThread_1: activate helper 1
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteWorkerThread_1: waiting for log
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: allocate lines
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: have 10 line
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG2 remoteHelperThread_1_1: 0.003 seconds
delay for first row
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG3 remoteHelperThread_1_1: got 0 log rows
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG3 remoteHelperThread_1_1: 0 log buffers
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: no more log rows
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG2 remoteHelperThread_1_1: 0.004 seconds
until close cursor
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: change helper
thread status
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: send DONE/ERROR
line to worker
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG3 remoteWorkerThread_1: helper 1 finished
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteWorkerThread_1: returning lines to
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG3 remoteWorkerThread_1: all helpers done.
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteWorkerThread_1: changing helper 1
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteWorkerThread_1: cleanup
2005-04-26 16:06:42 BST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: waiting for work
2005-04-26 16:06:43 BST DEBUG2 syncThread: new sl_action_seq 1 - SYNC
2005-04-26 16:06:46 BST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,34210
2005-04-26 16:06:56 BST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,34211

However, since I don't speak fluent slon, I'm not sure if this means it
is replicating and something else is wrong, or it's not and I messed up
the subscribe set commands..

Any pointers?



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