hannu at skype.net hannu
Mon Sep 20 15:11:56 PDT 2004
My replication progress stopped after postgres was unable to process a
597kb long query with the folowing error message:

ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_2: "declare LOG cursor for select    
log_origin, log_xid, log_tableid,     log_actionseq, log_cmdtype,
log_cmddata from "_accountdb_cluster".sl_log_1 where log_origin = 2 and ( 
 log_tableid in
    and (log_xid < '39569026' and
    and (log_xid >= '39095969' and
'39095969:39381336:''39095969'',''39380612'',''39378857''')) and
log_actionseq not in ('12555522','12555523',
~597kbytes of integers
) ) order by log_actionseq; " PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  expression too
DETAIL:  Nesting depth exceeds maximum expression depth 10000.
HINT:  Increase the configuration parameter "max_expr_depth".
ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_2: "close LOG; " PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR: 
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction
ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_2: helper 2 finished with error
ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_2: SYNC aborted

this situation was caused by setting up a replication client which missed
some primary keys in table definition, to which slon reacted by (trying to
replicate the set, failing after a few hour work, rollback and retry after
60 sec:) , repeat
it managed to do that 4 times before I noticed

so what are my oprions now ?

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