Jérémie LOPEZ jlo
Tue Oct 26 12:08:24 PDT 2004
Hi all,
when I try to upgrade slony from 1.0.2 to 1.0.5, I get the following message
(on slon start up) :
CONFIG main: slon version 1.0.5 starting up
ERROR  cannot get Slony-I schema version - ERROR:  function
_SLONY_GENY_METIER_DV02.slonyversion() does not exist
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need
to add explicit type casts.
ERROR  please upgrade Slony-I schema to version 1.0.5
FATAL  main: Node has wrong Slony-I schema or module version loaded

I first tried the soft way (killing slon processes then calling UPDATE
FUNCTIONS for all nodes with slonik), then the hard way (killing everything,
dropping slony schema in the database then reinitializing the cluster), but
I always get this error...
Any ideas or similar experiences ?..
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