Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Oct 19 18:41:10 PDT 2004
Hash: SHA1

RK wrote:
| Cristopher,
|> It should be little trouble to run the slon daemons on the Linux
|> box, where they should work perfectly fine, and be able to connect
|> to the Windows box.  Likewise, running slonik on the Linux box
| Uhh - that's it (could it connect to external
| I don't know why I thought that slony services must run on both :)
| I'm a bit sad because my notebook also run WIN, but I have
| another one I don't use daily - that is Linux, so I can test it using the
| two computers...

You need to have the stored functions available in each PostgreSQL
instance that is involved with Slony-I clusters, but it doesn't _too_
much matter where slon and slonik run.  (Performance considerations
suggest keeping slons nearby the node they are servicing, but that
doesn't mean "must be on the same host.")

| Could slony connect trhough passworded ssl connection?
| If yes, my probelm is solved, or even better, there is no problem :)

For sure.  Jan has done some of his testing using ssh tunnels, and it's
something that we're planning to test out as a way to cope with some of
the situations where outsourcing providers are managing firewalls and
have, um, "burdensomely-bureaucratic" processes to modify them.

I can't recommend ssh tunnelling as being _proven_ to be "good for
production purposes," because the "proof" is still waiting to be done,
but it sure looks like a promising approach.

I'd prefer the idea of using authentication keys to avoid the need to
use passwords, because that would allow scripted processes to create the
tunnels.  Supposing something minor went "bump in the night," I'd be
much happier if a script could rebuild SSH tunnels so I wouldn't be
paged about it.

| You're right :) - the problem is that we are running some
| outsourced system where Windows is "predefined" for
| end user preferences...

I couldn't imagine anyone having outsourcing providers impose
inconveniences on them ;-).

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