Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Wed Oct 13 20:14:19 PDT 2004
Here are the beginnings of a "Wiki" discussing the administration of
Slony-I clusters.

My thanks to Tim Goodaire for collecting some of internal notes to
generate a "first first draft."  It's still pretty drafty, but
hopefully has enough structure to make it worth adding to it.

Note that the above box has fairly paranoid firewall rules, so if you
try to hit much of anything other than that port, it'll block you
forthwith...  I have about 79K entries in /etc/hosts.deny from people
that portscan that box, so I'd hardly notice 50 more ;^).

The plan is to beef this up further (assistance welcome!), transform
it into DocBook, and add it into the documentation tree for Slony-I.
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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