Tim Goodaire tgoodair
Tue Nov 30 20:59:12 PST 2004
Hash: SHA1

Hello everyone,

I have a quick question about moving sets and wait for event. If I have
a slonik script to move set like this:

try {
~        echo 'Moving set 1 to node 3';
~        lock set (id=1, origin=1);
~        echo 'Set locked';
~        wait for event (origin = 1, confirmed = 3);
~        echo 'Moving set';
~        move set (id=1, old origin=1, new origin=3);
~        echo 'Set moved - waiting for event to be confirmed by node 3';
~        wait for event (origin = 1, confirmed = 3);
	echo 'Confirmed';
} on error {
~      echo 'Could not move set for cluster foo';
~      unlock set (id=1, origin=1);
~      exit -1;

I get this output:
<stdin>:7: Moving set 1 to node 3
<stdin>:10: Set locked
<stdin>:12: Moving set
<stdin>:14: Set moved - waiting for event to be confirmed by node 3

And it hangs...

I have managed to take the wait for event lines out of my script and it
successfully moves the set.

So, I have two questions:

1. Do I need the wait for event lines? I have seen some examples that
include them, and some that don't... The slony wiki includes them in
the example on the SlonyHandlingFailover page, but the move_set.pl
altperl script doesn't.

2. What is wrong with the second wait for event line? Should it be
originating from node 3 now that it is the new origin for the set?



- --
Tim Goodaire    416-673-4126    tgoodair at ca.afilias.info
Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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