cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Mon Nov 22 01:18:20 PST 2004
> Now, is the # that my 'node # admin' is using just a "connection handle"
> to be used throughout the script, or do I need to change "2" to "3" for
> the new subscriber?  And increment accordingly for each new subscriber?
> Then again, the 'store path' line seems to indicate the 'increment' is
> required ... but just wish to clarify ...

The node numbers are HIGHLY significant; they indicate the "shape" of the
network of replicas.

If you look at the internal tables, node numbers appear _everywhere_, and
pointedly can't be changed once set.

If you move a host with a Slony-I node to a new network address, fixing
that up is a mere "set path" away, but you can't renumber the nodes after
the fact.

I have a CVS archive on the go with changes to allow the nodes to be named
so that you could reference node names (and indeed _change_ those names),
but it's not ready yet...


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