"Dr. Stéphane Schildknecht" sschildknecht
Wed Nov 17 15:40:17 PST 2004
Jan Wieck a ?crit :

> On 11/2/2004 6:36 PM, Justin Clift wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Using Slony 1.0.5 for a very simple 2 node master->slave arrangement in
>> this setup that replicates two tables from the first node to the second.
>> Now I'm experimenting with creating a second set, having two different
>> tables be replicated from the second node back to the first.
>> I *think* these commands to Slonik should do the trick, but they're
>> generating an error at the end telling me the set isn't found:
> Insert a
>     wait for event (origin = 2, confirmed = 1);
> right before the subscribe set and it'll be fine.
> Jan


I'm afraid, I can't make it work that way...

    cluster name = $CLUSTER;

    node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$DBNAME1 host=$HOST1 user=$SLONY_USER';
    node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$DBNAME2 host=$HOST2 user=$SLONY_USER';

    create set ( id = 2, origin = 1, comment = 'All toto tables' );
    set add table ( set id = 2, origin = 1,
        id = 3, fully qualified name = 'public.toto',
        comment = 'Table toto' );
    set add table ( set id = 2, origin = 1,
        id = 4, fully qualified name = 'public.toto2',
        comment = 'Table toto2' );
    set add table ( set id = 2, origin = 1,
        id = 5, fully qualified name = 'public.toto3',
        comment = 'Table toto3' );
    wait for event (origin = 1, confirmed = 1);
    subscribe set ( id = 2, PROVIDER = 1, receiver = 2, forward = no );
    merge set ( id = 1, add id = 2, origin = 1);

The error :

CONFIG dropSet: set_id=2
CONFIG storeSet: set_id=2 set_origin=1 set_comment='All toto tables'
<stdin>:36: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_replic".subscribeSet(2, 1, 2, 
'f');  - ERREUR:  Slony-I: set 2 not found

Does anybody know why I'm not kind enough to make it work ?

S at S


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